
Station 8
Jesus Is Laid In The Tomb
Maple Park Cemetery

Digging Deeper

1. Take a walk to the gazebo and reflect on these questions and this journey you have just taken.

2. In this space we are reminded that we are surrounded by so many saints whose earthly bodies have already finished the journey and are now at rest. Yet their perishable bodies have put on imperishability. Do you live your life knowing that death is not the end? How does that change one’s outlook on life knowing that death is not the end?

3. J.H. Jarrett left a legacy that is still giving life. How are you intentionally leaving a legacy that will give life long after you are gone?

4. Do you see or understand Jesus differently through this journey? How would you finish this statement: “Jesus is…”

5. Did you happen to notice the secret station along the journey? Despite all your body and soul has gone through on this journey, you are beautiful. God has designed you to do great things, even greater works than Jesus (John 14:12) Your journey through Springfield is finished, but the work is not done. With the things that you have learned and embodied on this journey, what has affected you so deeply that you can help bring new life to that issue in Springfield?

6. What has affected you so deeply that you can provide new life to yourself?


O suffering servant, we are grateful for the ability to walk this journey with you. As we embody your footsteps and feel the weight of your cross, we have also felt the weight of the difficulties of life here in Springfield. For many, the modern road is not easy. Through this journey, you understand the pain of our human suffering. Through this journey, we understand how deep your love is for us and that we do not suffer alone. There is hope beyond this suffering, there is life because you are the resurrection and the life. May these experiences make your journey to the cross more real in our life and may we feel the power of your resurrection more fully in our lives. All praise and glory be to God, Amen.


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