
Station 6
Jesus Entrusts Mary and John to Each Other
Ambassadors for Children (AFC)

Digging Deeper

1. Throughout the entire Bible, God constantly calls us to care for the widow and the orphan. Why specifically them?

2. When a child is removed, usually all of her or his immediate possessions are thrown in trash bags. How could that affect the identity of the child?

3. Do you know anyone who has gone through the foster care system or someone who is currently or has been a foster parent? What has their experience been like?

4. Many children do not ever find a permanent place or get adopted. Yet when they turn 18, they are released from the system. What disadvantages would these young adults have?

More Info about Ambassadors For Children


God of the widow and orphan, you know what it is like for a loved one who is left alone, in shock, in the aftermath of something so traumatic. You know the deep ache for things to just go back to normal. But you plan in the face of raw reality. You see ahead with clarity and you provide. Help us to see that your provision is enough and all that we need. You have kept your promise of care for us through Ambassadors for Children. Bless their ministry and may each child who walks through these doors feel your peaceful presence and assurance that all will be well. Amen.

Ponder on the Journey

Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” How has God provided for you today? How has helped you safely along this journey of the Stations?


Your next stop will be the Intersection of Campbell Avenue and University Street

Located at:

1749 S Campbell Ave
Springfield, MO 65807