
Station 4
Jesus takes up his cross
Pitts Chapel United Methodist Church

Digging Deeper

1. Jesus embraces the thing that will ultimately kill him. In a time of desperation, we tend to grab hold of anything, even the thing that may burden our journey or may kill us, that will give us support, mentally or physically. Why do we desperately seek this support?

2. Have you ever had a conversation with a homeless person? What did you learn from that conversation?

3. 1 out of 3 Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless. Predatory loan companies take advantage of this and offer loans with extremely high interest rates that trap people in a never-ending cycle of loan payments…a cross to endlessly carry. Do you feel that loan companies are helpful or hurtful to people who have an emergency expense?


God of the sojourner, you know what it is like to navigate through life in the worst situations. You could stop and give up, yet you put one foot in front of the other. Help us to put one foot in front of the other when we feel like giving up and giving in. Because we know that you are waiting for us at the finish line and you are always with us on the journey. Help us to see the sojourners that we quickly drive by and want to ignore. Encourage us to help carry their cross, to hear their needs and their desires so that we may see your belovedness in them. Amen.

Ponder on the Journey

What do you absolutely need on your journeys? What do you need to survive? What can all of that fit in?


Your next stop will be the at the Park Central Square Pavilion 

Located at:

Park Central Square
Springfield, MO 65806

Park in the Parking Lot at: 313N N Boonville Ave and Walk to the Heer’s Building on Park Central Square