Station 2
Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested
Springfield Police Department
Digging Deeper
1. Go to and enter the character code to access the page.
This is a list of names of the current Greene County Jail population. If you click on “View More” to the left of the name you will see an image of that person. By looking at those images of inmates, do these people look guilty?
2. Police arrest people when there is a probable cause for arrest. What was Jesus’s probable cause for arrest?
3. Not all people who are arrested are found guilty. Could you think of an instance where someone could be arrested yet not found guilty and released?
4. Jesus calls us to visit the imprisoned. What does he mean when he says the word “imprisoned”? Did Jesus speak these words knowing that one day he would be imprisoned?
5. Is it hard to see Jesus in the faces of these people? Why or why not?
6. What does it mean to base your relationship with God on a criminal?
7. If Jesus were arrested on Live PD, how would you react? What would you think of the soldiers who were just following orders and doing their job?
8. A slave from the entourage that came to arrest Jesus was badly injured by Peter, yet Jesus heals him. Police also risk their lives every day when they put on a uniform. How would you feel facing that risk every day?
More Info about The Springfield Police Department
God of the incarcerated, you know what it is like to be bound and stripped of your independence. You could summon all of the heavenly angels to come rescue you, but you choose to go on this journey, persecuted by the same people who welcomed you with loud Hosannas when you entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Help us not to judge others too quickly, assuming that it is their own choices that got them arrested. Help us to understand the larger systems in place that can lessen our options to choose life instead of death. Be with those who slip into illegal activities, may you provide a way out and may your Holy Spirit inspire in us a way to provide a way out as well. May your hand be with all law enforcement in our area. Protect them from harm and guide them in their work to serve and protect the people of Springfield. Amen.
Ponder on the Journey
How must it feel to have someone in uniform saying, “You are under arrest” as handcuffs are put on you, regardless if you are guilty or not? What happens to your identity and sense of being?
Your next stop will be the Future site of The Victim Center Headquarters
Located at:
843 W Sixth St
Springfield, MO 65802