
Station 7
Jesus Dies On The Cross
Intersection of Campbell Avenue and University Street

Digging Deeper

1. How did Jesus’ death give meaning to his identity?

2. The haunting words, “I know” puts terrible weight on the detachment of humanity in the accident. The driver did not comprehend the results of her actions because her capacity to think and feel was so distorted and the human being that she hit was only an object. How does our identity fuel our life, for better or for worse?

3. Witnesses see the events and pass the story on to you, both in Jesus’ death and the death of Barbara Foster. How can our witness to both of these incidents lead others to transformation in their lives?


God of the life that is to come, you know what it is like to suffer and die and to see your dearest son’s life cut brutally short due to our sinfulness and ego to think that we can handle life on our own without you. Forgive us for the systems that we have created and the choices that we make that pull your beloved down into death. But even in death there is meaning, These sudden shocks point us to the problems in our society that we may not notice in our daily life. You have put this problem in front of us. Help us to find meaning and purpose so that others in this community might find life instead of death. We lift up the family and loved ones of Barbara Foster as they heal from this tragedy. We also lift up the person who took her life, that the clarity of the reality of this person’s actions may cause this person to seek help and turn away from addiction and find fullness and identity in Jesus Christ. Oh merciful God, you love all involved. We pray that they know it too. Amen.

Ponder on the Journey

Notice the other cars around you as you drive to the next location. They are driven by people who are affected by their life experiences and carry emotions as a result of them. Pick one car and pray for the person/people in it. You don’t know what could happen just down the road.


Your next stop will be the
Maple Park Cemetery Gazebo

Located at:

300 W Grand
Springfield MO 65807