
Station 5
Jesus is Crucified
Park Central Square Pavilion

Digging Deeper

1. How did Jesus’ crucifixion make “a better community”?

2. Park Central Square was renovated in the 1990s, completely paved over and beautified to remove any indication that lynchings had taken place there years ago. What does it mean to our faith if we cover up or deny Jesus’ execution?

3. The three black men’s fate was completely in the hands of the mob. They were helpless and had no agency. These men had supporters, but the anger and the crowd mentality far outnumbered the sympathizers, as it was with Jesus. Where do you stand in either of these scenes? Are you at the foot of the cross, watching from a safe distance or hiding in the Upper Room back within the city?


God of the crucifixion, you know what it is like to look death in the face. You know what it is like to have life extinguished from you in a grueling way. By this we know that we are not alone when we suffer and your heart breaks when we do. If we are merely observers of suffering, help us to remember your suffering and the suffering of your beloved, our neighbor, no matter what their identity may be. Help us to offer compassion for those who continue to suffer, both justly and unjustly, because you suffered for all of us, while we were yet sinners. May we see the past yet walk toward a brighter future and a hope. Amen.

Ponder on the Journey

People are not publicly crucified today, but we still like to see people die a slow and painful death.


Your next stop will be Ambassadors for Children

Located at:

500 W. Battlefield, Suite B
Springfield, MO 65807