Welcome to Asbury!
We’d love to meet you and your family. We have all experienced the uncertainty of visiting a church for the first time. While we’ve tried to answer some of the most common questions here, please remember, there is no better way to get to know us than to actually join us on a Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning
Child Care – Safe Sanctuary certified childcare is provided for the 9:15 Faith Formation times and 10:30 am worship services in our nursery.
Casual Dress – You will see everything from shorts or jeans to “church clothes”. Wear whatever is comfortable for you and you will be perfectly dressed.
Faith Formation/Sunday School – Faith Formation and Sunday School classes for children, youth and adults are held at 9:15am. For descriptions and specific times please check out the Connect page.
Each of our Sunday morning worship services are designed to connect people with God in different ways. Descriptions of our worship styles can be found on the Worship page.

Our Facility
Where to Park
Of course you can park anywhere you’d like and there is a row of guest parking on the East side of the church – just follow the signs in the parking lot. Handicap parking is available near the South and East entrances of the church.
What Doors to Use
The main entrance is on the East side of the building. Greeters will help direct you to the Sanctuary, child care in the Nursery, Sunday School rooms, restrooms and the coffee and snack area.
Map & Directions
We are located at 1500 S Campbell Ave about 4 blocks north of Bass Pro on the East side of Campbell.