“Earn all you can, give all you can, save all you can”
― John Wesley
Secure Online Giving
Asbury wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular gifts. Electronic giving offers convenience for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer your gift from your checking or savings account. Asbury does not incur a transaction fee for Direct Debit Giving.
Credit & Debit Card Giving allows you to make your gift using a credit or debit card. Asbury is charged a transaction fee for Credit & Debit card gifts of approximately 3.5%.
Using your online giving account you can you set up an automatic donation plan on a schedule you choose, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history.
To Sign up, click the “Give Online” button below OR print and fill out an Authorization form (see link below) and return to the church office.
Asbury Electronic Giving Authorization Form
Click here for detailed instructions for setting up your online giving account.
Thank you for your generous support!!
iGive.com – Online Purchases:
Register with iGive.com, choose Asbury United Methodist Church as your cause, and shop from any of the stores listed on the iGive.com website and a portion of your purchases will be donated back to Asbury.
You can also add the iGive Button to your browser that will monitor the internet stores you visit and alert you if a donation is available.
Members registered with iGive.com can add the iSearch.iGive search engine which raises a penny for Asbury every time you search the web (after joining iGive.com go to: www.iGive.com/addsearchengine.cfm).

Non-Cash Giving
Did you know you can donate non-cash gifts like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or cars?
You can donate non-cash gifts like:
- Marketable Securities: transfer ownership of your stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares. When you donate appreciated securities, you get the full value of the donation as a tax deduction and pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation amount.
- Other Non-Cash Gifts: donate items like cars, boats, and jewelry
- Life Insurance: name Asbury United Methodist Church as a beneficiary of your policy
- Planned Gifts: give via retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc. as part of your overall personal financial strategy.
If you are interested in any of these types of giving, please contact us at asburyumc@sbcglobal.net.